Sunday, October 16, 2011

2 months in Paris

I just realized today that we moved here exactly 2 months ago. I'm shocked. Time is running and it seems to me that we arrived yesterday. Looking back, I have to admit that this has been the hardest transition so far. 
Moving to LA was a piece of cake... Perhaps it's because I have an older and more demanding kid. When we arrived in LA, Josh was 3 1/2 and he would never question my choices. Now, it's a complete different  story. 
The school is hard, even more than expected and at the beginning we were all a bit frustrated. 

We were expecting a romantic, smooth and enchanted move to one of the most beautiful cities in the world and BAM! Surprise, nothing was easy. So it was hard. 

But we survived and I have the feeling we are getting better every day. Our son is relaxed now, he made new friends (same language, obviously), he started using some French words, he regularly buys the bread and few other items all by himself without getting hysterical (I'm of course 200 meters away, watching him), his sport and extracurricular activities are better organized and closer to his school now. We found a "tutor" for Josh, he is 22 and lives in the area. He speaks also some English. In a few months our son will speak way better than us this language. 

I finally was able to organize my working days in such a way that I get one day off and I can stay with Josh most of the afternoons.  

Giuseppe is still very busy, even though he stays home on Tue and Thursdays, but he is always traveling (now he's in Paraty - Brazil). Hopefully he'll get some rest in a month. 
Step by step, we made it through this hard time. We still miss our home a lot, and our friends. But we're trying with Skype to keep up with them. Who knows, perhaps in the future someone will come to visit us and Josh will carry his friends around...Let's hope!

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